
sim chefe!

3. It’s about You. Learn about yourself and the attributes you need to develop to become better at what you do. The first step is to gain personal awareness, and many formal self-assessment instruments and processes are available to help individuals in this area. Knowing your strengths and weaknesses, interests, motivation, desires, and passions are important, but you must also be clear about your values and purpose in life, and understand what is important to you and how you want to live your life. Be honest with yourself, take responsibility, acknowledge your fears and weaknesses, learn about and understand the change process. Learning new skills, taking on new responsibilities and embracing change will help you with your own personal and professional development. Paying attention to yourself and spending time to reflect are also important activities for developing personal mastery.



Blogger mi a dit...

sim chefe!

mas vê lá se acordas!

a malta sente a tua falta :-)

beijinhos e boa sorte para os teus investimentos ;-)

Blogger a. a dit...


hello mi!!
estou a despertar.

cheira-me que tens muitas novidades tu... apanha o metro e vem cá almoçar/beber uma depois da lavoura/wathever!


Blogger mi a dit...


agora também tenho uma decisão para tomar!
mas não te preocupes porque a estação de metro é a mesma e eu vou visitar-te um dia destes, deixa-me assentar primeiro!



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